CLTOUG member Frank Brammer demos the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Watch Frank configure the OCI platform in real time! Oracle representatives were on hand to provide additional insight and participate in the Q&A.
Joe O’Toole, Oracle Corporation’s Regional Manager, Core Technology provided the CLTOUG with numerous links that will help you compare OCI to other offerings and learn more about Oracle’s flagship cloud platform.
Video Demo – Oracle Cloud Platform Configuration
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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Information
Flexible Subscription Options
- Always Free Services
- Universal Credits
- Pay as you Go or Monthly Flex
- BYOL or Full Subscription
Service Highlights
- Oracle and VMware help customers move to the cloud
- Oracle & Azure Interconnect Partnership
- Autonomous Database + APEX
- 36 Global Data Centers by end of 2020
- Economics vs. AWS
- Outbound bandwidth 74% less expensive than AWS
- Compute instances 2x better price/performance over AWS General Purpose & Memory Optimized
- 20x the IOPS and less expensive
- Send us your bill and we’ll show you a line by line comparison
- 3 Questions to Estimate Your Savings
Free Training
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The Charlotte Oracle Users Group is open to everyone that is is interested in Oracle technologies.
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RadixBay is a proud CLTOUG sponsor.